There are 10 unicycling skill levels to challenge riders of all abilities.
When you feel ready, speak to one of the team who will get a qualified level-tester to put you through your paces!
The first five are:
Level 1
- Mount (unaided)
- Ride 50 Metres
- Dismount
Level 2
- Mount with left foot
- Mount with right foot
- Ride 10m between two parallel lines 30cm apart
- Ride a figure-8 with circle diametres smaller than 3m
- Ride down a 15cm vertical drop
- Make a 90° turn to the left within a 1m square
- Make a 90° turn to the right within a 1m square
Level 3
- Demonstrate 3 types of mount (from the approved list)
- Ride a figure-8 with circle diameters smaller than 1.5m
- Come to a stop, pedal half a revolution backwars and continue forward
- Ride with the stomach on the seat for 10m
- Make an 180° turn to the left within a 1m square
- Make an 180° turn to the right within a 1m square
- Hop 5 times
- Ride or hop over a 10cm x 10cm obstacle
Level 4
- Demonstrate 4 types of mount (from the approved list)
- Ride backwards for 10m
- Ride one-footed for 10m
- Idle with left foot down 25 times
- Idle with right foot down 25 times
- Ride with seat out in front (against body) for 10m
- Ride with seat out in back (against body) for 10m
- Make a 360° turn to the left inside a 1m circle
- Make a 360° turn to the right inside a 1m circle
Level 5
- Demonstrate 5 types of mount (from the approved list)
- Ride backward in a circle
- Ride one-footed in a figure-8
- Idle one-footed with the left foot 25 times
- Idle one-footed with the right foot 25 times
- Ride with seat out in front (against body) in a circle
- Ride with seat out in back (against body) in a circle
- Ride with seat on side (against body) in a circle
- Hop-twist 90° to the left
- Hop-twist 90° to the right
- Walk the wheel for 10m